Judgement Drop

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Secret World 35

Discovered By: TrueDiehardGamer


    The Judgement Drop Secret World is very easy to get into. The only item you'll need is:
  • Space Jump
    Begin by facing Vault Assault Portal from the rim of the opposite ledge. Turn left and jump facing in the direction down the Terminal Fall, making sure to come in contact with the wall. Make sure to hold your position against the wall. When you fall far enough, the game can do one of the following:
  • Place you in a Secret World
  • Place you back at the ledge of where you jumped
    Hopefully, you made it. If not, make sure you jump far enough, or else you'll never make it in.


  • There are multiple levels, some of which you can safely Screw Attack on


    Currently, there are no Screenshots to view. Please help us by posting some!


Main Page
Secret Worlds
Judgement Drop