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Meta-transitions describe how a particular pair of animations should be transitioned between when played back-to-back. They can be found in the ANCS and SAND formats.


Every meta-transition starts with a u32 type enum.

ID Type
0 Animation
1 Transition
2 Phase Transition
3 Snap
4 Unknown Type (MP3 only)


Animation transitions play a different animation to bridge the original two.

Type Name Notes
Meta-Animation Animation Animation to play.

Transition/Phase Transition

Metroid Prime

Offset Type Name Notes
0x0 float Unknown
0x4 u32 Unknown
0x8 bool Unknown
0x9 bool Unknown
0xA u32 Unknown

Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Offset Type Name Notes
0x0 u32 Unknown
0x4 float Unknown
0x8 u32 Unknown
0xC u16 Unknown
0xE bool Unknown
0xF u32 Unknown


Snap transitions simply snap from one animation to the other with nothing in between. There are no parameters.

Unknown Type

This type only appears in Metroid Prime 3.

Offset Type Name Notes
0x0 u32 Unknown
0x4 float Unknown
0x8 u32 Unknown
0xC u32 Unknown
0x10 u32 Unknown