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Revision as of 17:47, 20 April 2005 by Tjp7154 (Talk | contribs)

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Discovered by: at least tjp7154

Throughout the game, there are some corners you get stuck in if you jump into them and hold the L button down and the control stick forward. If you release the L button, press R button, or move away from the corner, Samus will fall back down.

BUT, if you continue holding the control stick forward toward the corner, Samus will SLOWLY rise.

One example is in Bioenergy Production. It is located at the entrance to the spider ball track by the Gamma power storage rack position monitor. Right next to the left of the track is a little gap that has such a corner.


I apologize if this is hard to understand. It's actually easier than I make it sound...

Flamancipator's edit: This idea is used for SW66, Transport to Temple Grounds (Sanctuary Fortress) where you push yourself into two bars running upwards and you'll slowly float upwards, out into the Secret World.

tjp7154- Well now, there you have it.