Dark Agon Temple SW

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Secret World 114

Main Items Required: Screw Attack

Description: Ghetto up onto the tip of curved standard at the main entryway to the arena (left side as you enter). Turn and jump around the right side of the spire to land on a narrow ledge. Back into the ledge to move to the left side of it. Use the visual reference as in the video to strafe right to the highest spot without falling off. Turn to line up the cross-hair on the far structure (as in the vid).

Perform a long lazy screw attack, but put in the final button push early so as to just clear the top of the structure wall. (You don't want to bounce off the back wall of the room.) You will probably land stuck in the SA unmorphing position. Wait for a few seconds to see if the corner pops you free. Morph and bomb jump to the left. Bomb-jump unmorph forward to move through the hole in the wall and into the secret world.

Video: SW 114 entrance (Outside link)

Note: This vid is an AVC (h.264) encoded mp4. QuickTime 7, VLC (recent build), Media Player Classic + ffdshow (recent build), etc required to play them.

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Secret Worlds
Dark Agon Temple SW