Torvus Temple

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Torvus Temple Secret World

Discovered By:

BoostR and MMcLean54 (seperately)
    This is a Secret World that requires patience, and a lot of it. First off, you need the following items:
  • Space Jump
  • Screw Attack
    To begin, start on the bottom floor of Torvus Temple. Stand on the rim of the elevator, facing the Morph Ball tunnel. Hold the L Button so that it centers in the middle of the Morph Ball tunnel. Make a single jump so that it almost reaches the ledge that the Morph Ball tunnel is on. While still in the air, make a shallow jump that reaches the very start of the Morph Ball tunnel. Then, when you are just about to touch it, activate your Screw Attack. Hopefully, you will be propelled into the Morph Ball tunnel. Since you have to stand up after the Screw Attack, your body should go right through the Morph Ball tunnel. Then, you then should see two Morph Ball tunnels (In more uncommon cases, only one Morph Ball tunnel. You will see it on the bottom half of your visor.). Quickly fiddle around with the buttons on the controller. Soon, you will see only one Morph Ball tunnel. When this has occurred, the game can do one of the following actions:
  • Place you in a Secret World
  • Place you back in the designed area, right in front of the Morph Ball tunnel
    But if you do manage to get into the Secret World, you could possibly become stuck. All you have to do is fiddle around again with the controls, and you should be fine. Try not to use the Morph Ball too often, because you can get stuck that way. But, sometimes it is helpful if you use it in the right way. Just whatever you do, don't use the Screw Attack after you initially used it. It's just like in any other Secret World. You can get in position where the camera will start to wiggle around and you will see yourself in a third-person perspective. You'll have to reset your game in that condition. If you don't make it, keep trying. It takes practice and patience to do this.


  • You can fall down really low, so watch out. Try not to go too close to the ends of the room if you don't want to fall.
  • The elevator in the center of the room goes all the way underground, and it has collision for both Samus and her beam weapons.
  • The water is one big thick square. If you fall down to the lower level of the room, just look up and you should see it.
  • It's hard to see with the blinding sun in your eyes.

Stuff to Try:

  • Try to get to the Underground Transport. It can be quite a challenge! If you get there, look at the surrounding scenery and below the elevator . The scenery has no collision for Samus.
  • Try using a Moon Jump code in this Secret World. With it, you can get a much better view.
  • Try getting the sun out of your eyes while still viewing the entire Torvus Temple at the same time.

Common Mistakes:

  • When: Samus seems to be flipping to the right or left of the Morph Ball tunnel,
    Try: Centering your targeting reticule with the L Button more accurately.
  • When: Samus doesn't even go inside the Morph Ball tunnel,
    Try: Making deeper jumps. You don't need to go too deep for a lot of effect to take place. If Samus begins hitting the top of the Morph Ball tunnel, you've gone too far, so try backing up.
  • When: Samus keeps falling down too far,
    Try: Staying on the level itself. It's harder, but safer. Once you pass under the door to Underground Transport, you will begin to fall.


Here's a list of screenshots to view.

  • There's none to view right now, so if you're willing, add some screenshots!