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I'd like to know if anyone has cleared phaaze yet in a low% (one tank preferably). The difficulty level doesn't matter. If you have, please tell me about it; which mode, how hard was it, tips etc.

For those not sure why I'm asking, when you reach phaaze without many (all?) tanks, the hypermode life bar doesn't fill up all the way. It fills according to the tanks you've collected. If you only got the one tank at the beginning, it barely fills at all, so you die quickly if you take damage or don't get any refills.

Despite this, I'm 99% sure it's possible to do phaaze on normal without additional tanks. I'd just rather hear the confirmation from someone else instead of having to do a run myself, as I need a break from the game already. Veteran is likely too, but I'm not as sure.. again, I'd love to hear it from someone.

As for hypermode phaaze with one tank, I'm trying to do that now, and struggling, so I'd appreciate tips. I haven't reached dark samus yet, but I believe it's possible to, it's just that I have an insanely low success rate of getting past the phazon hopper room (where you have to stay in ball mode forever to destroy the growths).

Right now, 3 tanks is the lowest I've managed to clear phaaze with, so 27%. I was meaning to try 2 tanks, but all my batteries are dead (I've gone through 5 or 6 pairs since release.. this game just devours them). The main problem for me in doing it with 1 or 2 tanks would be beating dark samus without taking damage. I find it near impossible once she starts busting out the clones every 10 seconds. I know about xray and how to get refills, but that is not enough. With 3 tanks, taking damage is not an instant loss as long as you get refills fast (from the clones or ice pillars). And the bosses after her are much easier to beat with no damage. With 3 tanks I didn't even have to continue on them, but I figure 1 tank only gives you about 30 seconds to live without refills, and refills seem nowhere to be found during the final form of aurora...

Oh and sorry if this has been discussed somewhere already, but I couldn't find it.
Thread title: 
Nice to see you on the forum again.

I have been having the same trouble in hypermode on phaaze. I got through it ok with 4 energy tanks and am currently attempting two. I wanted to confirm 2 was possible before even thinking of trying 1. I have made it past dark samus only once and then couldn't find enough energy to keep me alive much longer against aurora.

But with your 3 tanks finishing the game you can have a minimum of 25% right? We only need 3 of those energy plug-ins to make it through vallhalla not 5 so if i ever manage to get through with 2 tanks then we could be at 24% for hypermode.

It helps a little when going through phaaze if you can get by the one monster when you fall. Im not sure exactly how to do it but ive managed not to get caught 3 times. Im trying to figure out how to get past it consistently but no luck yet.
The monster = the maw that eats you or the other guy?

If it's the other guy, I didn't know you can skip him.. I know you can skip the maw, although it seems a bit random. If either of them touch you it seems like an instant kill without many tanks. The guy can be killed by mashing the button, but if you can skip him, you're right that there is no time to even fight him with the infant right after.

Didn't know about the energy cells.. but now that you mention it I watched that vid on youtube and was rofl. You guys crack me up. I really have to wonder what that guy was thinking. Was he like: "Giant invisible wall? No problem, I'll just fall in this pit which will obviously take me past it." So impressed either way. But I'm curious.. on the way back from getting the code, does the invisible wall just disappear or something?

I don't know if I can still get 23/24%. I have a backup save, but it's at around hazard shield I think. Maybe I should just consider this run finished start a new one once I get some batteries.. I just don't want to protect the spire again. Couldn't stand that crap with one tank, and getting 2 tanks for it is not a good idea unless phaaze is proven impossible with one. Proven impossible by math that is, not because no one is good enough yet.. (e.g., assume it takes 2 minutes to kill aurora's head, but that you only live for one minute on one tank, and there are no refills.. player skill would be irrelevant in that situation)

And is it just me or does aurora (1st form) take forever to beat. Always takes me 5 knockdowns in hyper.. even getting a knockdown takes forever. Normal, I think it's only 2 knockdowns.. the difference between normal and hyper is insane. I don't remember what veteran's like because I haven't played it since my first run.
Hey kip nice to see you back :)

Some people said they were able to skip the 5-eyed monster that grabs you, in Phaaze, but nobody found a reliable way to do so. I'm talking about the big monster which you have to shoot, not the "mouth" that eats the morphball and spits you back; this one can be skipped pretty consistently from what I read.
Quote from kip:
I really have to wonder what that guy was thinking. Was he like: "Giant invisible wall? No problem, I'll just fall in this pit which will obviously take me past it." So impressed either way. But I'm curious.. on the way back from getting the code, does the invisible wall just disappear or something?

I was actually trying to see if there were any breaks in the invisible wall and accidentally fell in and respawned at the door. :P I've got no clue about the way back. You can easily jump down without being stopped, but you can also jump off the ledge and jump back on without being stopped either. Maybe it just applies to screw attack or something?

Got no tips for low% hypermode Phaaze, sorry. I was going to try one after finishing my first hypermode playthrough, but as far as Aurora, is there any point in the fight you can use Grapple Voltage? There's not IIRC, but I've only fought it two or three times. If not, I guess you just need insane aiming, as the weak spot can be hit at any point in the fight.
Yes i was talking about the five eyed monster. I figured anybody that tried to skip the one that grabs you at the bottom in morph ball form already figured out to just push forwards to skip it. The five eyed monster is what usually either kills me or almost kills me leaving me with not much time before a certain doom. I will try to get on vid skipping the five eyed one but its only happened to me 3 times out of about 200 attempts at getting through phaaze with my 2 tanks.
Quote from Paraxade:
I've got no clue about the way back. You can easily jump down without being stopped, but you can also jump off the ledge and jump back on without being stopped either. Maybe it just applies to screw attack or something?

Just played through that part of the game and tested it, and yes, the invisible wall is only solid if you're Screw Attacking.

EDIT: By the way, in case you didn't know, you can get rid of excess Phazon by using Grapple Voltage on Phaaz-Ings.
Every Bit Counts
Welcome Back kip.

I'm doing a 23% run on normal, but I have the same problam as kip. I can't be the final bosses. I can get to them, but not defeat them.
Btw thanks for the welcome guys. I can't believe they'd make an invisible wall that only exists for screw attack.. it's weird because there are tons of invisible walls elsewhere, long before you get screw. Ever tried to skip corruption in bryyo? The invisible wall goes away as soon as you destroy all the growth and get corrupted, but until then, you can spring jump-bs jump all you want and never get up.

I managed to find one more pair of batteries so I'm good for another 2 hours. (*rolls eyes and mumbles something about how wii sports can be played 900 hours without changing batteries*)

Decided to do some tests to see how much time you get with 1 and 2 tanks. They might be off by a second or so, depending on the frame you start counting on.. I started on the frame where your health bar reappears after you vent your tanks.

One tank:

flashing bar/heartbeat at 1.16.910
death at 1.30.591

Two tanks:

flashing bar/heartbeat at 1.56.083
death at 2.14.134

So, if anyone is up for trying to kill aurora's head under these times, that would be greatly appreciated. There's no need to try and get there with few tanks: just time yourself (by recording or using a stopwatch), and if you go over the time let him kill you and continue. I personally don't mind if auto aim were to be used, although I normally play without it.

I would try this myself, but right now my focus is in trying to find good strats for hypermode phaaze, until someone does it with 1 tank or proves it impossible by math. I don't know if the drain rate is slower on the other modes.. I doubt it, but I don't have a normal/veteran file to check with.
I'm pretty sure that the Phazon corrupts Samus faster on Hypermode, or else it just feels like that. I know that the balls you need to destroy with the Hyperball take a lot longer to destroy, as well as the creatures and such.

And the only way I've been able to get past the 5-eyed wall monster in the shaft is by spamming the beam button and firing a Hyper Missile at him just before he tries to take a bite out of you: It was the only way I could get psat him safely. (This was during a 7 energy tank Hypermode run I completed last week.)

A 23% normal run is fairly easy to get through Phaaze as long as you:
- Grab plenty of refills
- Use Hyper Grapple on the Phaz-Ings
- Run quickly anyway

And for me, it took roughly 30 minutes to get through all of Phaaze on Hypermode with 7 energy tanks according to what I remember my save being before the final. Compared to the 10 minutes during me 23% Normal that feels like it's a big obstacle, or else I was being way too cautious. (It only took me about 5 min to completely destroy DS and the AU.)

You said it takes roughly 1:30 to die from Corruption with only one tank on Hypermode right? If that's true, than Phaaze does indeed drain your energy a lot faster on higher difficulty levels based on the 5 minute final battle for me I just mentioned above. Even if you break that down evenly, that's still more than 1:30 for each battle, and the only reason I was flashing red against AU2 was because I took about 1/2 to 2/3 damage from it's quad laser attack.

Haven't tried a 23% Veteran or Hypermode yet so I can't compare.
Quote from kip:
I managed to find one more pair of batteries so I'm good for another 2 hours. (*rolls eyes and mumbles something about how wii sports can be played 900 hours without changing batteries*)

I use rechargeable batteries that originally came with my digital camera. ;)
We use the charge station, the batteries seem to last long enough even for Prime 3, and in case there's a second battery for backup.

Though I can imagine that charging two batteries can be a bit of a hassle if you only have one wiimote...
my umbrella goes directly to Bankai
i use auto aim but in boss battles it doesn't work. you still free look when locked on the boss.

unless the final bosses are different...
kip, have you tried only collecting a few of the refills that appear after you defeat the first form and collecting more as you need them rather than collecting them all at once?

Got to Phaaze on hypermode and I'm having a hard time with 8 tanks... can't imagine how you're doing it with 3. :P
I have a charge cable that lets me charge the Wiimote while I play. Of course, the cable's really really short, so it's hard to actually play anything while charging it. :|
I just finished a hypermode game with 8 tanks, and having done so enough times, I would say that a hypermode run could surely be done with <4 tanks... On my last run, my health never went above 1/2. (8 divided by 2 = ...nevermind :p )

Though I have only anecdotal evidence, I know for sure that some of the seemingly mandatory enemies along the way down phaaze can be avoided.  I have been able to avoid the 5-eyed dude, and also the trampoline mouth, though never both in the same run.

And I think ph is right, corruption builds faster in hypermode, so I'd have to think that on a normal run <2 tanks and probably 1 is possible, with the only really tough area being those purple dog things... but then again, there are recharging enemies immediately after...
Just cleared with 2 tanks. I'll be uploading the final bosses later as, IMHO, they are pretty decent fights (the DS fight is probably arguable; I suck once she hits the "LOL CLONE SPAM" phase). Will also upload the run through phaaze itself.

Unfortunately it's not 24% since I got 5 energy cells like a fool, instead of coming here and reading up before getting too far in the run. So it's 26%, but that's ok with me. Dunno if I will do a proper 24% since I don't want to protect the spire again, wait 20 minutes to get refills from ridley after every hypermode, etc.

I <i>would</i> be up for 23%, but.. you know. I'm sure it's possible in theory to beat DS without damage, and given how plentiful refills are between the clones and ice pillars, I really doubt you could die from time alone. But in practice, not taking damage is just insane. I won't say it's impossible though considering what site I'm on.. ;-]

For now I'll just upload the vids and try to find better strats for the path to DS (like maybe a way to skip the 5 eye monster more consistently).
Bangaa Bishop
Quote from PiccoloCube:
i use auto aim but in boss battles it doesn't work. you still free look when locked on the boss.

unless the final bosses are different...

I'm pretty sure you need to freelook to kill some bosses because the lockon point isnt the same spot as the weak point.
Quote from kip:
I suck once she hits the "LOL CLONE SPAM" phase)

lol... yeah that is some frustrating stuff...
Screw Attack has its usefulness in the last fight, it stuns AUs head during its spin around on the ground attack at the last part, it can avoid its quad laser attack, and even damage DS when she's spinning around with her clones if you can get it low enough

just did finish that fight on Hyper haha, and I had 9 tanks.
Reached DS with 1 tank. The phaaze vid that was uploaded is this run, while the boss vids are the 2 tank wins I mentioned yesterday. The boss vids are far from optimal I'm sure, but we can use them as a starting point for 1 tank fights. Here they are, for those interested:

Dark Samus
Aurora 2

Now for some comments on the vids..

Phaaze: honestly, it's not even that hard, except near the end as you don't have much time left after dealing with the 5 eye monster. Not to mention you have to mash the button like a psycho to kill him, and it's hard to do that without moving the remote and taking the target off him. We really need a way to skip this guy consistently, but I can't look for one right now as I'm going to try to beat DS with 1 tank or at least refine the strat to the point where it'd help someone else do it.

I killed all the enemies in the room after the first puffer because I meant to go back to him for a health refill after the first metroid hopper room. This particular time, it ended up not being necessary because I got enough refills to enter the next room healthy. With 1 tank (or 2), you <i>really</i> need to be healthy upon going into the second hopper room. I can't stress that enough.. between the phazon hoppers and tangle weeds you can die very quickly.

Dark Samus: there are several annoyances in this fight. It's easy until she regularly makes 2 clones, but then I don't really know what to do. The spinning attack she does with both clones is annoying, and so is that spinning flamethrower thing she does with one. I dodge it with screw attack if I can't kill the clone first, but I wonder if it would be better to try standing between them.

One other thing to keep in mind is when she gets low on health, there's a second attack she can do when she jumps high in the air, so don't stand still assuming it'll be the shockwave slam. Also keep in mind that she can do her second attack then a shockwave slam upon hitting the ground. I ended up taking a hit near the end because I forgot about that.

Aurora: not much to say about this one. It's long and boring, but easy. The only thing that ever hits me is sometimes a boosting DS clone, but with 2 tanks it doesn't matter. Maybe it wouldn't even with 1. If someone knows a faster method let's hear it.

The only real danger is his laser attack, that can kill you almost instantly. But it's easy to dodge as long as you spam single dashes (I find double dashes unreliable). Also, once you pick a direction stick with it. Don't suddenly go the other way as he's starting his attack, as you'll just get hit. Once you're a good distance away from the laser, you can break lockon to grab any refills.

Aurora 2: One thing puzzles me about this vid. According to my own numbers from yesterday, you get a flashing bar at 1:56 with 2 tanks. It took me just over 2 minutes to win, but I still had half my health left. Doesn't make sense.. it would be cool if health drained slower just for this fight, cuz I don't know if you can beat him in 1:30 without luck. It'd be agonizing to have to rely on luck to win with 1 tank after getting past the horror that is dark samus.
I've got a couple ideas for you.

1. Spinning DS (3)- Just SA slowly across the room--I found that the key is to do it slowly--long exaggerated SA jumps... Once you land, quickly get turned around, while making your 1st two jumps, then slowly SA to the other side.  It usually worked out pretty well in my hyper run.

2. Spinning flamethrower DS (2)- As soon as DS divides into 2, and gets ready to start spinning, charge a normal shot.  The Dark Echo version is blacker, one fully charged shot kills it in hyper mode, gives you energy (usually), and stops the attack.  I actually relied on this move for energy in my last run :)  If I wasn't in a good position as DS started that move, just morph and wait it out, or get close and hyper-morphball attack them.

Looks awesome though, great job.
Anywhere, everywhere
Great job kip!

And I'm still looking at a way to skip 5 eyed freak (my name for that monster), but I'm sure we'll find a way to pass him eventually.

EDIT: Also, hitting that fast moving red thing that pops out of Aurora 1 stuns him, but its really random and hard to hit.
I wish these vids would d/l at more than 20 kb/s. :(

Quote from kip:
I wonder if it would be better to try standing between them.

It's relatively easy to dodge it that way, plus it's pretty easy to shoot at DS/the dark echo while between them. You need to step out in time, though, otherwise you'll take a hit when DS merges with the echo again.
not evil,just hungry
The juggling/spinning attack with the two clones is easy to dodge by dashing opposite directions. eg: dash one way for a few jumps when the attack starts.  they will miss you.  once they hit the wall, dash towards them.  their next ram will attack to where you were previously.  I usually do this instead of SA because I seem to take a hit either morphing into or out of the SA.